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Congratulations ? F¨¦licitations ? n¡¯maamiikwenmanaa ekinoomaagzijig gii giizhiitaad
We invite you to participate in the Fall 2024 convocation ceremonies on November 2 in the H. J. Fraser Auditorium, 51³Ô¹Ïapp, Sudbury.
We will have three ceremonies that can also be live-streamed on YouTube by clicking on the links below:
Graduate Resources
Learn the Lingo
You¡¯ve walked the walk, now talk the talk!
ALUMNUS: A male graduate
ALUMNA: A female graduate
ALUMNI: More than one male graduate or a group of mixed male and female graduates
ALUMNAE: More than one female graduate
Get to know our graduates
Graduate Spotlight
The Graduate Spotlight features exceptional students who have had unique journeys through 51³Ô¹Ïapp. We celebrate these students and their accomplishments!