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Welcome to the Voyageur community!
The myLaurentian Hub is simply a group of knowledgeable and courteous staff with a special focus on information sharing and quality service. We are here to help you find answers to your questions quickly so that you can go back to concentrating on your studies!
Your Portal has the answers to your questions! Simply type your keyword in the top bar to find the information that you require.
You can reach us either in-person, by email, over the telephone or through your myLaurentian Student Portal. We are always happy to see you and willing to go the extra mile.
Register for Fall and Winter Courses
Registration for Fall and Winter courses is now available. To register for your courses, please click on the Self-Service link on the top left hand side of your home page of your myLaurentian account.
Things you should read
Please click on the link below to see Laurentian's numerous Policies by category.
Honourable Withdrawal
During the current term, up until the last day of classes, and with supporting medical documentation, students may request an honourable withdrawal from one or more courses.
After the last day of classes for the term, with supporting medical documentation, and within an appropriate timeframe, students may request an honourable withdrawal from an entire term/session, but cannot choose courses at random.
Other Policies
Things you will need
One of the first things you will need is your Student Card. To skip the lineups, you can simply login to your myLaurentian Student Portal and upload the photo and your OneCard will be ready for pick up the following day. Please follow the steps indicated below:
- Log in to your Student Portal
- Click on "Processes" in the left hand menu
- Click on "OneCard Request"
- Select your photo (according to the instructions provided)
- Agree to the terms and submit your photo.
Please note that if you are an online student, you must include your address to receive your oneCard by mail.
The sale of parking passes is open to the public by mid-July for the Fall term, and mid-november for the Winter term. To ensure that you reserve your spot, purchasing your pass as soon as they become available is strongly suggested. To purchase your parking pass, please follow the instructions below:
- Log in to your Student Portal
- Click on "Shop" in the left hand menu
- Click on "Parking" and follow the required steps
If you're looking for somewhere to store your books while you commute to your various locations on campus, purchasing a locker might be a necessity for you. Locker sales open at the end of August and can be done following the steps below:
- Log in to your Student Portal
- Click on "Shop" in the left hand menu
- Click on "Lockers" and follow the required steps
You can print your official Confirmation of Enrollment anytime on your Self-Service account. Please follow the instructions below to access your form.
- Log into your Self-Service account by clicking on the link in your myLaurentian portal.
- Click on "Confirmation of Enrollment" under the "Academics" menu.
Please note that you must be registered for courses to generate this proof of enrolment. Graduate students are asked to continue using the printable request form at until further notice (at no charge). If you need a Confirmation of Enrolment for OSAP purposes, one will automatically be generated by Laurentian at the end of August for the Fall term and/or the end of December for the Winter term.
Please note that if you are a current student, you must order your transcript by following the steps below. If you are not currently a student, please click .
If you'd like order a transcript, please follow the steps below. Transcripts are processed within 7 to 10 business days. This does not include mailing time.
- Log in to your Student Portal
- Click on "Processes" in the left hand menu
- Click on "Transcript Request" and follow the required steps
Please note that if your account is not paid in full, the transcript will not be produced or sent. Please contact the Fees department in order to make appropriate arrangements to pay off your outstanding balance.
Here are some forms to help you along the way!
As a student, you may need the following forms in order to file your tax return:
T2202 (Tuition and Enrolment Certificate)
If you paid tuition in the previous academic year, a copy of your T2202 will be available through WebAdvisor on February 28th of the following year.
T4/T4A (Statement of Remuneration Paid)
If you are a Laurentian employee, the electronic copy of your T4 can be obtained through your WebAdvisor account.
If you received any bursaries and/or scholarships, a copy of your T4A is can be obtained through your WebAdvisor.
Please note that the T4 and T4A forms are normally available around mid-February for the previous taxation year.
Things to remember
Don't forget to apply to graduate before the deadline!
If you wish to graduate in the Spring, you must submit your Application to Graduate before January 31st. If you wish to graduate in the Fall, you must submit your request before August 31st.
- Log into your Self-Service Account
- Click on the "Application for Graduation" link
- Follow the steps provided
Please ensure that you are in the correct program including specialization, major, concentration and minor. If you are not in the correct program, you must send an email to providing your name, student
number and program change information. Once you receive confirmation of your program change, you can proceed to apply to graduate online.
If you are eligible to receive a Certificate, simply email with the appropriate information.
Please note that even if you are not attending the ceremony, you must still apply to graduate online in order to receive your diploma by mail. If you are attending, please make sure to check off the appropriate tab.
Here are some dates to remember. Please visit the Important Dates calendar for more details.
Financial Need Bursaries
As of October 1st, you will have the opportunity to submit your application for our financial need bursaries by logging into your account and clicking on the “Apply for Awards” link. The deadline to apply for the Fall term is October 31st.
As of January 15th, students can also apply for the Winter financial need bursaries by following the same steps as noted above.
In-Course Awards Application
Don't miss the deadline of June 1st.
As of mid-april, you will have the ability to submit an application for In-Course Scholarships for the next academic year by following the steps below.
- The Student Awards Office will send you an e-mail once the application is available.
- Log into your myLaurentian portal
- Click on the "Processes" link
- Click on "" under the Fees and Financial Aid menu
- Complete the application as required and submit any supporting documentation directly through your online application
Award recipients are notified by mid-July regarding the results of their application.
It is not too late to apply for OSAP. This wonderful program allows students to apply for grant funding only which means that you could receive funds that you will not be required to repay. You may even qualify for enough grant funding to pay the large majority of your tuition! To submit your OSAP application, please visit the .
Things to verify
Always ensure that your OSAP application is complete and that you are fully registered in all of your courses. Here are a few items to verify on your OSAP application.
- Log into your account
- Click on the current year's application
- Click on "Check Status" to verify the status of your application
- Ensure that your MSFAA has been processed
- Click on "View required documents" to ensure that all of your documents have been submitted and approuved
Once you have verified your account, ensure that the following has been completed:
- You are fully registered. If you applied for full-time OSAP, you must be registered in at least 9 credits per semester (or 6 credits if you are registered as a student with a permanent disability) in order to be considered full-time for OSAP purposes and for your enrollment to be confirmed.
- Ensure that you are receiving enough OSAP to cover your first installment of fees. You are able to view your OSAP entitlement by login in to your online OSAP account. Since OSAP funding is issued in two installments, and fees are also due in two installments. If you are not receiving enough OSAP, you are responsible to pay the difference.
Always verify your Account Summary to ensure that you do not have a balance owing. Remember that any changes in registration (adding or dropping courses) could affect the balance of your account. To ensure that you are aware of fees charged for dropped courses, please consult the Refund Schedule before making any course changes.
You can access your Account Summary at any time by following the steps below:
- Log into your Self-Service account (my clicking on the link in your myLaurentian portal).
- Click on "Account Summary" under the Financial Information section
If you have a credit on your student account and you wish to request a refund, please send an email to including your full name and student ID along with your request. Please note that in order to receive your refund, you must ensure that your banking information has been added to your WebAdvisor account under the "Bank information - for refund purposes only" section. Refund requests may take from 2-3 weeks depending on the time of year.
If you are an OSAP recipient for the term for which you are requesting a refund, the refund must be returned to OSAP on your behalf.
How to understand my flow of money?
Seeing as though this may be your first year of post secondary education, you may or may not already have a financial plan. Being totally stressed out about finances is a reality that almost every students must deal with on a daily basis. Being able to predict and take charge of your finances can really help you relieve yourself of this stress so that you can concentrate on what really matters, your studies.
In order to understand how your bank account, you must take the time to plan your finances. The first step in doing so is to take a few minutes to jot down all of your expenses as well as all of your income. If you're not sure where to start, you may want to refer to your last month's debit card transaction history or your latest credit card statement.
Here is a sample list of expenses and income that you can use as a basis to create your own customized list. Some expenses could include housing, food, utilities, travel, insurance, personal expenses, entertainment. Some sources of income could include summer savings, part-time job, parent's contribution, government income, spouse's contribution.
Your guide to creating a budget
The very best way to begin creating a budget is by looking at the dollars that you actually spend, as well as your actual income. Feel free to use any budget template, however, you may also click on the link below to use the template that we have provided.
Once you have filled out your budget using your actual dollars earned and dollars spent, it is always a good idea to scan your budget to look for categories in which you may over spend on a monthly basis, or any opportunities to reduce some of your expenses. You may want to look to see if you could reduce your cellular phone bill, or your utilities. You may also want to try to save on Hydro by doing your laundry as well as running your dishwasher after 7pm and on weekends. Once you have done so, add your budgeted amounts to the 3rd column to see whether or not your goals are attainable. By taking this extra step, you will have a visual picture of where you should reduce your spending.
Analyse your expenses
Now that your budget is on paper, you are now able to see the true picture of your financial world. It is now a good time to have a look at the items on your expense list to see if any of them jump out at you. If you feel as though an expense such your cellular telephone bill, or your monthly cost for cable and/or internet is too high to fit into your budget, you may want to look at other options to reduce these costs to make the most of the income that you earn.
It is also important to remember that your electricity bill could be reduced by doing your laundry as well as running you dishwasher at night or on weekends.
Remember, a small saving goes a long way!
Before each exam period, your myLaurentian Portal will display your custom exam schedule. To access your schedule (when it becomes available), you can simply login to your Portal and view your schedule on your home screen.
You will also be sent an e-mail prior to the exam period with the full exam schedule for your records. Always ensure to verify your exam schedule as soon as it becomes available.
Contact a myLaurentian Hub Student Service Representative:
Location: myLaurentian Hub, first floor Parker Building
Live Chat:
Email: hub@laurentian.ca
Telephone: 705-673-6565 / 1-800-461-4030
Hours of operation: weekdays from 9 am to 4 pm
myLaurentian Student Portal: