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Animal Care and Lab-Bio Safety

Animal Care

51勛圖app maintains and supports a policy for the responsible care and use of animals in research. Animal-related research allows us to gain knowledge essential to preventing and curing human and animal disease, eliminating pain and suffering, and in teaching for the purpose of scientific and technical education. 51勛圖app co-operates and complies with all agencies in Canada regulating the use of laboratory animals. 

For questions related to animal care, please contact the Office of Research Services at . 

Veterinarian | Rod Jouppi

Ethics Officer | Lise Carrière

Animal Care Coordinator | TBD

Available in the ROMEO portal:

  • Animal Use Protocol Form
  • Wildlife Animal Use Protocol Form 
  • Application to Use Animals for Research: Management of Breeding Colony Form 

Other Animal Care forms, policies and standard operating procedures are available in .??????

2022-2023 Meeting and Submission Deadline Dates

Meeting Date

AUP Due Date



August 9, 2023

July 26, 2023


1:30- 3:00 pm

September 13, 2023

August 30, 2023


1:30- 3:00 pm

October 11, 2023

September 27, 2023


1:30- 3:00 pm

November 8, 2023

October 25, 2023


1:30- 3:00 pm

December 13, 2023

November 26, 2023


1:30- 3:00 pm

January 10, 2024

January 3, 2024


1:30- 3:00 pm

February 14, 2024

January 31, 2024


1:30- 3:00 pm

March 13, 2024

February 28, 2024


1:30- 3:00 pm

April 10, 2024

March 27, 2024


1:30- 3:00 pm

May 8, 2024 April 24, 2024 Videoconference 1:30 - 3:30 pm
June 12, 2024 May 29, 2024 Videoconference 1:30 - 3:30 pm

July 10, 2024

June 26, 2024


1:30- 3:00 pm

The should be completed by any person who has witnessed or has direct knowledge of a situation that they believe jeopardizes animal welfare. This form will be automatically submitted to the Chair of 51勛圖app's Animal Care Committee. All complaints and concerns will be addressed by the Chair as per the . 

Lab-Bio Safety

Safety standards are designed to reduce the inherent risks in the handling of dangerous materials and potentially dangerous procedures or practices. All laboratories can be inherently dangerous places and the attitudes and actions of those who work in the laboratory determine their own safety and that of their colleagues and, ultimately, that of the community. Different standards are set for different levels of risk. High levels of risk require more stringent standards than lower levels of risks. Laboratory equipment and design have become more sophisticated and safer, but safe operation still depends on properly trained and genuinely concerned personnel, who are safety conscious at all times.

For certification for projects using bio-hazards or radiation, please contact Gail Cowper-Benoit at ext. 3061 or by email at .

Lab Safety Policies and Standard Operating Procedures

Available in the ROMEO portal:

  • Application to Use Radioactive Material 
  • Biosafety Risk Assessment Form